Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lounge Lizards & Lat Pulldowns.

The hardest part of my morning wasn't the Treadmill.

The hardest part of my morning wasn't doing Ab workouts on the mats..

The hardest part of my morning wasn't the fifteen sets of Leg exercises The Sidekick and I did.

The hardest part of my morning wasn't listening to the guy beside us grunt like a mule while he was doing Deadlifts.

The hardest part of my morning was listening to the same guy sing along to whatever Nickelback or Default song was playing on the Gym's satellite radio. Seriously, dude, I can take the grunts and all (it is a gym) but singing along? Really?

I hope this guy isn't going to be one of the morning regulars - if he is I'm going to have to look into some type of ear protection.

At my old gym I had the visual disturbance of Jeans Guy - this one has the audible distraction of the guy I'm now going to call The Crooner.

Can't a guy just work out in peace?


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