Ever since I was an itty-bitty blogger, I've had a dream to be featured as a "Blog of Note" - the cream of Blogger's crop, so to speak.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I figured with persistence and patience, I'd be rewarded for my consistency.
You see, my blog is a combination personal/observance blog. I comment on what I think and the meanderings of my everyday life. To be a Blog of Note, you have to have pictures of your dog or ramble about how horses can teach us about ourselves. That, combined with a blog where an artist is striving to draw every mammal in existence, makes me think that my blog just isn't "furry" enough for the powers-that-be.
I just can't do that.
I can't get that excited about my fish.
They are cute and everything, but c'mon.. I can't devote that kind of obsession to something that swims around in it's own shit.
Oh well, that's why they're called dreams, right?
Ok, ok, but you're not the only one that's been passed over by the Academy. I have one of the horse blogs and I think it must be politics! LOL