Saturday, September 08, 2007

Comparative Mortality.

A guy I worked with died today.

He passed away at home.

The fact that it happened wasn't a shock to us. We knew it would occur eventually. (But not as quick as it did.)

He was over 50, didn't take care of himself, and was constantly getting sick. It didn't matter what we said to him about his health, he seemed ambivalent towards his situation. He even started smoking. No exercise and a very sedentary lifestyle didn't help.

I'm sad for him, but even moreso for his family - (his youngest son works for us as well) - they were unable to do anything to make him see what he was doing to himself, and no matter how hard you may have tried, there will always be some semblance of guilt.

I wouldn't want to put my family through that.

I look at myself and ask how committed I am to my health. Doing even the smallest thing is better than doing nothing at all.

I think I'm going to go back to the gym.
And give my kids a hug every time I walk out the door.


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