First, the excuses:
- It's a close up.
- Crappy cellphone picture.
- The colour's are washed out, de-emphasizing the ginger-yness of it.
- You can't see my piercing blue eyes.
- It's mostly symetrical.
- It's stopped itching so much.
- It centers the roundness of my face.
- It's helping to cure cancer.
I'm almost getting used to it, but I feel the day that it stops feeling uncomfortable will be the day I shave it off. (It's the under-the-nose part that bugs me the most - always feels like I have a booger or something.) Still, I'm proud of it, and the fact that I get comments on it every day means it's doing it's job as well.
What can I say? Ginger 'Staches rule Movember.
Ginger staches are totally acceptable.... however all you flesh-colored beard wearers out there. You look creepy!